Case Study: Zelle®

Cancel Zelle Payment

Zelle Cancel Payment Flowfig. 4.1: Zelle Cancel Payment (complete flow) 


Prompted by customer frustration with any unanticipated payment delay (first time payment or unregistered token can delay payment 3 to 5 business days) only after he/she completes the transaction. Since the customer expects payment to be delivered per the value proposition of Zelle (“a fast, safe and easy way to send money in minutes”), providing the customer with the ability to cancel the transaction can address this frustration (and lower call center volume).

Problem Statement

As a Zelle user, I want to be able to cancel a transaction within the app when payment is delayed.

Understanding User (Empathize & Design)

Customer frustration with the delayed payment use case in the Send Money flow can be directly linked to high call center volume, as the customer has no other method for canceling said payment. While transparency around delivery times in-flow (prior to completion) is the ideal use case, it requires a heavier tech lift. Canceling right on the Confirmation page (prior to any electronic funds transfer) largely addresses this problem. Providing the customer the mechanism to both understand the reason for the delay and cancel the transaction without relying on a conversation with a call center associate.

Low Fidelity

Because Product has the ability to cancel a delayed transaction, we only needed to iterate on Confirmation page views. A brief description of the use case explaining the delay in the subtext and a ‘Cancel This Payment’ CTA makes clear the course of action the customer can take.


Mid-fidelity prototypes were tested internally to validate our proposed solution.

Zelle lo-fi cancel paymentfig. 4.2: Zelle Cancel Payment (low fidelity CTA explorations) 


Thinking through approaches to the user action on the Confirmation page–text-based or button–the text-based Cancel This Payment call-to-action is the best option. The optional user action is clear but doesn’t dominate the screen like the standard button. Additionally, Capital One design principles do not allow for a button-based CTA on Confirmation screens (as it communicates to the user that additional action is required to complete the flow–definitely not the case here).

Final Result

Providing the customer with the ability to cancel a payment on the Confirmation page has resulted in improved clarity around Zelle transaction status empowering the customer to cancel without associate intervention, significantly reducing Zelle call center volume.

Zelle cancel paymentfig. 4.3: Zelle Cancel Payment (high fidelity CTA explorations) 


The feature has real benefit for Capital One in the significant reduction in calls and substantial cost savings (as their US-based call centers are high-cost). Future iterations can have even greater transparency so the customer can make better-informed decisions around sending money with Zelle.